Hot Stone Massage in Nashik
Hot Stone Massage

They can be placed in the points Txakra, meridians or points of acupuncture, achieving so that the energy flows properly.

This type of massage is not new. For many years, both the Chinese culture and the Hindu Ayurvedic tradition, used hot stones to massage and alleviate the ailments.

The most profound benefit is obtained thanks to the heat of the rocks of volcanic origin. These are heated and pressurized on the skin by printing a massage in delhi on the most sore areas. The heat then slowly through the stones, contributes to the relaxation of the muscles. The increase in temperature causes sweating helping to eliminate toxins.

The iron content of the stones helps keep the heat during massage, increasing blood flow and cell metabolism. This heat also causes sweating, encouraging the elimination of toxins.

In summary, the benefits of massage with hot stones are:
– Muscle relaxation
– Elimination of toxins from the body
– An important improvement in the circulation of the blood
– Stress relief
– Renewal of energy levels

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